Some Woman Had The NERVE To Give Birth To A Baby On An Airplane Before A Flight To France

Daily Mail- This is the moment stunned plane passengers looked on in awe after paramedics helped a woman give birth while she was onboard the aircraft. Footage from the plane, filmed earlier this month, shows a paramedic briskly walking through the plane carrying the newborn baby at Sabiha Gökçen International Airport in Istanbul, Turkey. The drama unfolded as the Pegasus Airlines plane was making final preparations for take-off for a flight to Marseille in France. 

As a fellow parent, I'd love to congratulate this mother on her new bundle of joy and wish her entire growing family all the best. Unfortunately this blog is being published on the internet, which is where people constantly complain about a child of any age being on their plane, so I will instead shame her for having the (turns on Stephen A. Smith voice) unmitigated GALL for bringing a baby on an airplane. 

Even worse, it was a newborn baby, which is just like a regular baby except they cry even more because they are getting used to no longer living in a 98.6 degree hot tub paradise where everything is handled to the point they don't even have to chew their food and have fresh vocal cords just waiting to be tested out at max volume. The fact these innocent passengers had to deal with that type of distraction before heading to France for whatever they were about to do in their extremely important and exciting lives is flat out deplorable.

Did I play up the extremely played out "kids on airplanes ruin everything" trope enough to satisfy the dullards that still complain about it? 

Giphy Images.

Okay good.

In all seriousness, shout out to everyone that stayed on that plane for an entire motherfucking childbirth. I'm sure the airline had some sort of policy where everyone was forced to stay on that overcramped tin can until they landed in their destination city. But as someone that lived through a day of labor that didn't even end with a live child birth (but instead of successful c-section), I can tell you that you hear and feel things you wouldn't wish upon your worst enemy. No team of flight attendants or air marshalls would be able to stop me from popping open that Emergency Exit door we've all thought about testing at one point of our lives and running toward somewhere that was out of earshot of a person shoving a human out of a very small hole in her body.

The miracle of life is just that for a wide array of reasons, hence why the airline sent an entire pit crew onto the plane to handle pick up and clean up for the youngest living person on the planet. But the fact everything (hopefully) goes as seamlessly as it does with very little assistance will never cease to amaze me, no matter how much the female body was literally made to handle that mayhem. 

So as Kevin Durant once said, this mom is the real MVP for taking care of that birthing business before take off or else there would have been some prettyyyyyy angry messages on Instagram for people that were going to be late for their French dinner reservations. I would say her baby should at the very least should fly for free for the rest of his life since this is an outrageous story. But considering you can't even get a carry on bag onto a flight for free on most airlines these days, I guess he'll just have to settle for a funny story to tell his friends, which will likely be in the poor side of town since I can't imagine what airlines charge as a birthing fee considering how much it costs to give birth at a hospital that was literally built to deliver babies.

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