In The Spirit Of Thanksgiving It's Great That This Woman Turned In $20,000 Of Lottery Tickets Delivered To The Wrong Address But The Least The Lottery Can Do Is Give Her An Equal Value Of Freebies

UPI - A Massachusetts woman was going through her FedEx deliveries when she found an unexpectedly heavy box with shocking contents: $20,000 worth of scratch-off lottery tickets.

Danielle Alexandrov of Falmouth said everything initially appeared to be normal with the boxes delivered to her home by FedEx.

"I start going through the boxes, everything is normal until I get a box that is very heavy," Alexandrov told WCVB-TV. "I open it up and it's a box of scratch tickets. And I'm thinking, 'Is this a joke?' until I look at the receipt and its value is $20,000 worth of scratch tickets."

Alexandrov then checked the address on the box and discovered it had been meant for Kenyon's Market in East Falmouth.

Alexandrov decided to return the tickets to their rightful owner. Officials said she did the right thing, and the tickets would have been worthless if kept.

"These tickets, until they're activated by a retail agent, there's really no value to them," lottery spokesperson Christian Teja said. "If someone tried to take one of these tickets, if it was a winning ticket, brought it to a retail location, there would be a message that would flag it and they'd be unable to cash the ticket."

Obviously, the moral of the story here is how great this is and how it defines the spirit of the holidays. It also sends a great message about being honest, and doing the right thing and how you never want to be looking over your shoulder. All that should be taken. very seriously. It also proves a point and teaches a lesson that if the woman tried to cash them in she would have looked like an absolute moron as the lottery has thought this kind of thing through in advance (smart move) and factored in that should a box go missing or get swiped etc, the thieves can't just collect on the free profits. I'm sure when the woman heard that loophole she was even more thrilled with her decision as there was no way she could have collected on the reward. 

My spin zone is this. Someone needs to reward this woman. Obviously Kenyon's Market is a small business and they can't shell out 20k. Fed Ex isn't going to fork over any money because their spin zone is their driving probably should have read the right address. The people who should be giving Danielle a reward is the lottery. Imagine the PR from this one. "Woman returns 20k worth of scratch off tickets to rightful owner, Lottery matches amount as a gift to her in free tickets." Who wouldn't love that move from the lottery, more so who wouldn't pick up that story as a live stream of content ? You wouldn't watch a TikTok Live "Good Samaratian Scratches Off 20k of Lottery Tickets" ? I sure as hell would. 

Swing and a miss by the lottery here. Yes the woman couldn't have cashed in the tickets, but that doesn't mean she shouldn't get rewarded for her heart and honesty. Miss by the lottery. All time miss. 

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