It Was Down Right Pathetic That Texas Needed A Buzzer Beater To Beat Louisville, This Game Should Ban Them From The NCAA Tournament

I don't care what happens the rest of the season if the NCAA truly cared about teams and results, Texas should be banned from the NCAA Tournament. In fact, I'd argue this should count as a quad 4 loss. Needing a buzzer beater to beat Louisville? Gross. Actually, downright pathetic. I know you hear Louisville and think they are a good program, but this version? Well they are awful. They needed a near miracle to beat UMBC. They already lost at home to Chattanooga. 

I don't even have anything against Texas. Max Abmas is one of the most fun players in the country and a March legend. But come on. There's gotta be standards set here. I know, I know. A win is a win. It doesn't matter how you get there. Except I watched this whole game. It wasn't like Louisville was pulling ridiculous shot out after ridiculous shot. They looked like a legit team, which is a bigger reason to support my case of not letting Texas in the NCAA Tournament. You can't let Louisville look normal out there. 

Pretty lucky for Texas for this to happen in the middle of an NFL Sunday. Now they get to play UConn tomorrow in the Garden and people won't even remember this. Except for those of us who are disgusting humans and watched this game. What? I'm still pissed the Giants can't tank, this got TV1 rights in my house. 

I will give credit to Louisville though, they find new ways to just destroy the heart and souls of their fans. Other programs? They just get their ass kicked, but Louisville. They keep it fresh. 

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