Dolly Parton Released A New Rock Album Where She Collabs With Paul McCartney, Sting, CCR, Elton John, and John Fogerty To Name A Few

The Tennesean - The project started with Parton recording demos of classic rock anthems that she presumed she would eventually narrow into a less voluminous project.

She had so much fun recording the songs that she decided they all needed to remain.

"Calling in many of my favorite artists for the project just made a fun project that much more special," she added.

Still, she didn't want to overstep.

"I didn't want to make people feel like they couldn't say no to me," Parton continued. "I'm like my daddy. I'll do anything for anyone else, but I hate to ask anyone to do a favor, or anything for me."

Sir Paul McCartney singing and playing piano on "Let It Be?" That's on the album. Sting being "impressed" by Parton's demo version of "Every Breath you Take?" That's on the album, too. Elton John and Creedence Clearwater Revival's John Fogerty performing "Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me" and "Long As I Can See The Light?" Present, and accounted for.

For her cover of Prince's "Purple Rain," Parton's spirituality took the spotlight.

Even though Prince passed away seven years ago, Parton said that the essence of two "little gaudy songwriters and kindred souls in tight, fancy clothes" combined on the album's only solo performance.

(This article from The Tennessean is long but really really good. If you're a fan of Dolly's it's must read. If you enjoy this album as much as I did listening this morning, it's must read. How it all came about and the stories from all the recording sessions with the various different artists and producers all over the place are awesome.)

If we needed any more proof that Dolly Parton is music royalty look no further than her new album she dropped, Rockstar.

The fact she was not only able to get this many, and this caliber of songs cleared to cover, but moreso get the original artists themselves to record duets with her is pretty fucking impressive.

And the album is actually really awesome.

The highlights which were aforementioned - 

(Not as good as the George Michael duet but pretty damn good. I love this song)

I think my only complaint about this is that she didn't record Jolene with Miley Cyrus for it. Yah I know it's her song originally, but Miley's rendition of it is a jaw dropper. The two of them together would be primo.

(Sidebar- they killed these)

p.s. - still would

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