Family Realizes George Lucas Was In Their Disney Photos 18 Years After They Were Taken

I love this story.
On Sunday night, I got a tweet from this guy Mark Chase with a photo attached from his family's 2005 Disney vacation. He explained that when they got these photos developed 18 years ago, they noticed a guy sitting behind them who looked eerily similar to George Lucas - and they have joked about that for nearly two decades.
It wasn't until this week that they took a closer look, though, and upon further examination: that's not just a guy who looks like George Lucas....that's for sure George Lucas.
Not only do the shoes/belt match - he was at Walt Disney World that very day for a promotional appearance!
Plus, if you color-correct the photo, his shirt appears to match as well….
Sure, it's still not the EXACT color of his shirt in the promotional photos - but Disney World gets hot and George probably had lots of pictures to take that day so he brought a spare shirt! Totally normal move! That's gotta be him.
This wouldn't be the first random George Lucas cameo in someone else's life, either….
This guy is EVERYWHERE - walking around with blurry Bigfoot energy - ready to strike in the background of your family photos at any moment. He's the real Phantom Menace.
If I realized George Lucas was in the background of one of my pictures after the fact, I think there would be a big part of me that would be DEVASTATED that we were so close and I missed out on at least shaking his hand and thanking him for Star Wars. That might be for the best tho - I mean how many times can George hear that from a gangly nerd before he gets sick of it? I bet he just wants to be left alone at this point.
Still, tho - this is so awesome. Makes me wonder if there's anyone cool creeping around in the background of my old family photos. Time to break out the scrapbooks.
P.S. When I asked the guy who tweeted me this if he'd be cool with me blogging it, he asked if I could plug his YouTube - so here it is!
Check it out, he's got some cool movie videos on there! Oh, and check out our YouTube channel too….
We'll tell ya everything you need to know from The Marvels so you don't have to see it yourselves.