The Dream Marriage Setup: Jeanie Buss and Jay Mohr Live In Different Apartments Because They Like Their Space And Guys Are Disgusting When We Sleep

Jeanie Buss: OK, everybody is gonna want to live exactly the same way… Right now we live in a building that has three units. So I live on the top floor and Jay lives on the first floor. And so there's a couple that live in between us. So where we live together, we're at the same address except I'm unit three and he's unit one. We don't really want to change anything, because I like my space and I have my schedule and he likes his space and he has his schedule but I can take the elevator down in my slippers and hang out a little bit and go back up. I would recommend it to any couple that feels the same way.

Jay Mohr: It's like, ‘All right. I'm gonna go up stairs…’ And we see each every morning, every afternoon, and every night. When you're home alone in your bed it's like, guys are gross. We just make sounds, like we sweat, the sheets get all wrinkly and weird. It's like, ‘Aw, just let her sleep like a princess or a Barbie still in the box.’ She doesn't need to be subjected to me, and my wrestling sweatpants, just belching in my sleep.

I'm writing this blog as a married man. I live the normal marriage where I sleep in the same bed as my wife, we have our own bedroom and we even live in the same house. That said, this is an ideal setup, especially if you don't have kids. I have my own little space, my office, and it's great. I can shut the doors to watch games and blog or whatever. I at least have some sort of space to call mine, put all my shit in there, my TVs and just be disgusting if I want to. I want to watch 3 college basketball games and my wife wants to watch some TV show I have no idea the name of? Great. She can go to the couch, I can go to my office. 

But now Jay Mohr and Jeanie Buss are taking it a step further. I know they live in the same building. But make no bones about it, these are people living in different apartments. I get it. They are older, recently married. Why change how you live at that point in your life? Try to figure out who is moving in with who or buy a house? No thank you. Moving sucks. It's the worst. You somehow gain more shit as you pack it all up and inevitably lose or break something during the move. 

Here's my qualm though. Jay Mohr, guys are disgusting when we sleep? How? We're asleep. Who is out here belching in their sleep? And if you're sweating turn on the goddamn air conditioning. You're rich! You don't have to keep the place at 74 degrees. Put it to whatever temperature you want. I mean shit, I'm a blogger and I don't even sweat when I sleep. Open a window, turn on a fan and get nice and cozy under those sheets. Snoring? That's normal. I won't let anyone be snore shamed. Not on my watch! 

It's been talked about a lot at this here company about how you should be able to do separate dinners. One person wants some pasta, go get it. The other person can have steak. No need to eat the same thing every single night as someone else. But this? This is next level thinking. You're in the same building and just come and go as you please. It's like having a college girlfriend but you're way richer. You can come and go as you please. You're not surrounded by the girls floor at the dorm. You just get to ride a nice ass elevator a couple floors back down to your place. 

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