Nobody Has Ever Held A Grudge Like This Dude Who Apparently Fucking Hates Jim Boeheim

You may be wondering what's the significance of this? Well, Jim Boeheim started coaching in 1976 and we all know this is the first year without him. Look who showed up. The ultimate grudge guy because he straight up refused to come to a Syracuse game. I respect this man more than I respect myself. Do you know how much you have to hate someone in order to not show up to a game that has 20,000+ seats? 

I gotta know what Boeheim did to this guy. Maybe he despises 2-3 zone because zone is for losers? Pure basketball is man-to-man. Maybe he was sick of guys picking his nose leading the team? 

Giphy Images.

This is why I love college basketball though. You don't get this with pro sports, at least not to this degree. You don't have guys wearing signs like this if an owner sells a team. You celebrate, sure, but it's different in college sports. Boeheim for better or worse, was the face of Syracuse for decades. He's the guy you immediately thought of and it drove this man fucking crazy. 

It's a new era at Syracuse. They are playing man-to-man defense and they have this guy in the stands. I'm not lying when it says it might change my mind about them. I mean I still think they kinda stink and we'll be typical Syracuse where they are on the bubble the entire year, but some good juju with this guy. 

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