I Turned Whine With Kelly Into A Weekly Newsletter And I Have NO RULES!

I did it! I started a newsletter! Why? Because I wanted to. I knew I wanted to bring back Whine With Kelly, a brand/podcast I started before I started working full time at Barstool, but I didn't know exactly what I wanted it to be. It'd be stupid to start the podcast up from scratch again, and if I'm being real, I cannot edit video outside of my phone to save my life. Every producer in this joint gave me all the tools I needed for it, and I'm still asking questions about putting watermarks on iPhone videos. With YouTube being FAR on the horizon and a podcast out of the question, I had to get creative. How do you get creative? You think of things that used to be cool, everyone forgot about, and you bring it back. 

"Kelly, what is it going to be about? Are you interesting enough for a whole weekly newsletter?" To you, dear reader, maybe I'm not. However, you'd be surprised to hear about the subset of people I've commandeered over the years who ARE interested in something like this. I had about 20x more signups for this newsletter than I thought I would, and that's all the encouragement I need. Perks include; no commenters, no editors, no rules. (I definitely have some rules, but yanno.) I've been given free reign to talk about whatever I think is cool, relevant, or important. Restaurant reviews, wine reviews, high thoughts, short stories…maybe one day I'll even write something ~GASP~ controversial! Or even ~GASP AGAIN~ more personal than something I'd write for the blog! The newsletter is for the die hards who want pop culture (emphasis on culture) from my perspective. I'm already drunk with the power. 

Sign up now to be a part of it. Sadly you'll have to wait until next week for the next one, but imagine NOT signing up and missing more of this magic? Mortifying. 



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