The Giants Fire Sale Has Begun As They Trade Leonard Williams To The Seahawks For A 2nd And 5th Round Draft Pick


Look at Trader Joe getting more for Leonard Williams in 2023 than what the Jets got for him back in 2019 in what was declared the greatest fleecing in the history of professional sports by millions of people on the internet! Could the Giants be any more BACK?!?

Okay, I guess setting offensive football back to the Stone Age with the Jets during yesterday's game which historians will one day call Puntpocalypse kinda puts a damper on all that. But at least Big Blue has decided to embrace the suck that is the 2023 season and sell off pieces after everything went downhill following that blocked field goal at the end of the first drive of the first game against the Cowboys.

Hopefully this trade opens up the floodgates before the trade deadline since there is a chance Adoree, Saquon, and others could net enough draft picks for the Giants to ONE DAY assemble an above average offensive line.

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Fair point Coach O'Shea. But an idiot Giants fan can dream like he has every year for more than a decade, right? 

As for Leo, I'll always have a fond place in my heart for him for not completely busting after The GM We Shall Not Speak Of gave up a third and a fifth for him as a rental, which again was a package just bested by Joe Schoen with Williams once about to hit free agency. When he was on, Leonard Williams was an absolute beast on the field and seemed like a good dude off the field, which is truly all you can ask for as a fan.

Even him going to a team like the Seahawks is about as easy a move for Giants fans to swallow because every game they play is the same and by that I mean complete chaos that never makes sense. I feel like the Seahawks rarely even make it onto my RedZone screen, so I don't have to worry about Williams dominating right before another free agent payday haunting my life if this Giants season continues on its path to a 4-13 finish. 

No matter what, the Giants potentially getting a Top 50 pick and a 5th rounder that I will 100% convince myself is a future Hall of Famer for a player that is turning 30 this summer and was almost definitely going to leave feels like the biggest win the Giants have had this season (I also don't think the Giants are going to have a fire sale but I am trying to talk it into existence since yesterday's loss has numbed my soul for any pain the rest of the year can cause to it).

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