PROOF OF GHOSTS: Ghost Hunter is Possessed by Real Ghost That Forces Him to Take Shots of Whisky, Stop Shaming Him For It

I'm not going to stand idly by and let the internet accuse the Ghost Hunters of not being 100% authentic. If Billy the Ghost Hunter says the Ghost of Drink More Whisky is telling him to drink more whisky, then what the fuck do you expect him to do? He's having an impulse. Impulses are very common in the ghost hunting community. Ghosts make you do crazy things sometimes. I should know. I was personally haunted by the Ghost of Do More Heroin from 2016-2018. Much like the way I was haunted by the Ghost of Do More Oxycontin, from 2011-2014 (between there was the Ghost of Move to Texas and Start Wearing Cowboy Boots, and the Ghost of Try to Become a Standup Comedian, although those were both short lived).

I always thought it was weird that the opiate themed ghosts only ever haunted me in Ohio, and that Heroin Ghost only showed up once Oxycontin was taken off the market. I suspect they might have been the same ghost. But whatever. That's only a theory. I'm just glad I can rest easy at night knowing that the poor choices I made in life were NOT my fault. They were simply impulses brought unto me by spooky spooky ghosts, and there was nothing I could have done to prevent them.

My point is, ghosts are to be taken seriously. Ghost Hunters is a legitimate, professional show where two guys named Billy and Zak travel to different haunted locations with massive camera crews to uncover the presence of real ghosts. And before you ask, no, you don't ever see the ghosts. That would be fucking stupid. You can tell by the eerie music playing in the background, the night filter on the camera, and the scared looks on their faces that ghosts are definitely there. For the internet to imply differently is outrageous. 

Don't let them bring you down Billy. I know you didn't want to take those shots of whisky. You're definitely not an alcoholic, and you DEFINITELY DEFINITELY wouldn't be making something up for the sake of filling an hour's of worth of television when you find yourself standing in a dark abandoned building with literally nothing happening but you already sold 15 episodes to the Discovery Channel and you need something to happen or else they're going to dump your ass and you'll be forced to get real job, like blogging about people on the Discover Channel.

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