Former Playboy/Victoria's Secret/SI Swimsuit Model Joy Corrigan Admitted That She's Been Lying About Her Age For Years

This story came across my desk this morning and I wanted to shout out Joy for doing her part to take down the stigma of age since I have been feeling the weight of time more and more at my workplace recently, which isn't easy considering I also have to feel the considerable weight on my physical body every single day.

When I first started at Barstool almost a decade ago, I was one of the older employees amongst the 20 or so people hired to play in Dave Portnoy's internet funhouse. But I was pretty much within a few years of the average age here. Fast forward 10 years and a billion hires later which now has me working with people so young that I could literally be their father. Granted, that would've required someone to want to have unprotected sex with me pretty early in my teens, which I can promise you wasn't exactly the case. But still, as a former coworker said, numbers never lie and that number says I am old as shit compared to many of the other people working here.

Now I have never lied about my age, but I never exactly broadcasted it willy nilly because Barstool has always been viewed as a young brand. My first ever blog as a full-timer at Barstool was about Ecto Cooler coming back, which was originally released before a good chunk of people here were even born. Back in my day, I knew about pretty much every story being covered on Barstool. Now we have blogs covering pop stars and YouTubers I haven't even come close to knowing anything about. Doing Podfathers with someone like Large that is older than half a hundred 50 did help that uneasy feeling. But that podcast has now been retired (outside of the episode we did behind the Barstool suits' backs last month to catch up), likely because our already small audience was starting to literally die off. Regardless, I know that some people probably view me as an Old, which I am fine with since they are probably closer to the age of my daughter than me. I am not fine with typing that last sentence, which to be honest made me kinda nauseous.

Which is why Joy taking a stand against the irrelevant number of age is so important. Having absolute hammers like Playboy, Victoria's Secret, and the SI Swimsuit Issue on her resume is so much bigger than whatever year is printed on her birth certificate, hence why I included them in the headline. Hell, Old Balls Jerry Thornton just blogged about the SI Swimsuit Rookie of the Year being 56 yesterday.

If that isn't a sign that ageism is being #cancelled, I don't know what is. I mean look how much Joy is crushing on the social media platform known as Instagram, which is enjoyed by people of all ages!

Just an absolute masterclass. Again, I should feel wrong about using the word "masterclass" because it feels like a word of the Youngs. But Joy has inspired me to embrace that I am REDACTED years old since the only difference between me now and 10 years ago is some gray hairs, 

Sorry, I had to remove my age because I'm not ready to reveal it like Joy was. Shout out to her for being the hero people older than 30 deserve. Yes that was a Dark Knight reference, which I feel is the epitome of an ageless movie. Shout out to me for fighting every instinct in my broken down body and using a Godfather quote instead. Now here are some more shots of Joy's Instagram that I know was the sole reason many of you clicked on this blog and further proof that age don't mean shit.

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