"Spider-Man 2" For PS5 Is Another Tremendous Piece Of Spidey Lore

I had very high expectations for this game. I adored the first game and thought it was one of the best Spider-Man stories ever. I enjoyed the spin-off about Miles Morales as well, though I didn’t think it quite reached the heights of the first game. I bought a PS5 just so I can play this. I did go into it with the crippling fear that I would somehow be let down. I was not.

In short, this game is amazing. Everything that made the first one awesome returns here. The swinging mechanics are electric. Yes, you really do feel like Spider-Man. The combat is free-flowing and fun. The open world is even more expensive than the first one was. But what makes these games so immersive is the fact that they get the characters right. These games are better movies than the recent Spider-Man movies, and that’s coming from someone who enjoys Spider-Man in the MCU. This is the ultimate Spider-Man experience. It takes the best parts of the comics, the animated series, and the live-action films and puts them all together in this one perfect package. The stories are typically formulaic, yet even I didn’t know exactly where things would go. 

They finally, and I mean FINALLY get Venom right. Everything involving the Symbiote suit and the Venom storyline is fucking perfect. It gave me chills, and it was a fresh reminder that those Venom movies can fuck themselves in the ass. Fuck Tom Hardy, and fuck everyone involved in the making of those movies. If you like them, you’re stupid. They finally did it right in this game. I wanted to stand up and applaud. Playing in the black suit is one of the coolest things you could do in a video game, and from a storyline perspective, involving Harry as Venom is genius. It’s fucking genius. God, I love it so much. 

Are there things I don’t like about this game? Yeah, there are. I know it’s customary to make everything bigger in a sequel, and for the most part, it works here, but I do feel like this game is a little bit bloated. The world is almost too big. I’m sure there will be people saying that I’m complaining about too much of a good thing, but I do feel like some side quests and missions could’ve been cut down a little. Keep in mind I haven’t completed the game 100% yet, though I plan on doing that.

I really was enjoying this game as much as I enjoyed the first one, but the final boss battle against Venom dragged on forever. As fun as it is to play in the black suit and as Venom, this game's final stage is too lengthy. I could see myself liking it more over time when I replay it, but it's the biggest reason I prefer the first game over this one.

I highly recommend people play this game, and I hope that the people at Insomniac Games listen to my criticisms. I'm certain there's going to be another one, and I bet they're going to go all out. Even though I enjoy the first one more, this game is incredible. It's amazing what they can do with video games now. I would not be opposed to the people at Insomniac Games taking over the Spider-Man movies, quite frankly. Spidey is in better hands with Insomniac than it is within the MCU right now. I will play this game again at some point. I look forward to it. It's definitely worth your time. 

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