This Video Of Angry And Sad Phillies Fans Leaving Citizens Bank Park After Losing Game 7 Is The Perfect Orgy Of Philadelphia Misery

For all the shit people give Philly fans for being scumbags, you simply cannot deny that they are awesome sports fans. I mean I don't love people that root or play for the opposing teams getting assaulted, having shit thrown at them, or being puked on. Especially when those people are children.

But it is indisputable that no city cares about their teams more than Philadelphians, which is why I knew this video would be a Must Watch before even clicking play since there would be a ton of F bombs flying around. I didn't think a middle schooler would lead the way on said F bombs, but that's on me for not realizing they have them ready young in Philly.

I also knew we would get a smattering of "Go Birds" mixed in with that signature Delco accent but I had noooooooo clue we'd get a "Let's go Jets" by this sick fuck.

The rest of it was pretty succinct misery that was straight to the point in a way that only Philly can do along with this crazy bastard that casually mentioned he was about to eat a banana he got from a homeless dude.

Never change, Philly. And yeah, you probably should kill "Dancing On My Own" considering it always leads to misery and there would've already had 100 different montages of it playing in the background of Diamondbacks highlights if their fans were as ruthless as Northeast baseball fans. So I guess this video will have to be the official burying of that song. RIP In Peace.

P.S. It's sad to see that Philadelphia greases the poles before games they can lose yet that poor girl had to go to NINE different people to get a cigarette, which I guarantee wouldn't have been so hard to find if the Phils had won. Especially sad stuff in a city full of sadness today.

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