There Is Nothing Quite Like The Feeling Of The Start Of A Brand New NBA Season Getting Underway

Yup, it's that simple folks. We did it. We made it through what felt like a never-ending offseason. No more fake games, from this moment on until mid-June, everything counts. The mere fact that there will be NBA basketball in my life again pretty much every day for the next 8 months fills my heart with so much joy I don't even know what to do with myself. 

Regardless of the sport, there's really nothing like the start of a new season. Vibes are at an all time high for essentially every fanbase in the league, the possibilities are endless, and I guarantee at some point you talk yourself through all the different reasons that this year is going to be the year. The best part is that whatever spinzone you come up with in your brain isn't totally wrong! It could happen! That's the beauty of a brand new season. Until proven otherwise, this is your year.

When it comes to the NBA, I see no reason why this season shouldn't be one of the best we've ever had. From a talent perspective, the league has never been better. From top to bottom in both conferences, there are plenty of reasons to be excited. Even the lottery teams aren't unwatchable, which means every single night there are going to be games worth watching. Stuff like this is back in our lives again on a nightly basis

The contenders at the top of each conference have all loaded up making things as wide open as they've maybe ever been. This is not a season where there's one superteam where it's most likely a foregone conclusion that they're going to win the title and everyone else is just getting some cardio in. Remember how lame that felt? Well in 2023-24 it's basically the opposite. There are probably 5-8 teams that you could make the case have a legit shot at winning the whole thing. For my money, that's WAY better for both the league and as someone who consumes their product.

I guess what it boils down to is hope. That's what every basketball fan is feeling when they woke up this morning. Hope is a dangerous feeling, but man is it exciting. You can convince yourself of anything whenever you mix a little hope in. 

Kicking things off with DEN/LAL and GS/PHX also isn't the worst way to get the season started, even if we're already dealing with some stars being held out

For Nuggets fans, there will be nothing like seeing that banner go up for the first time ever. That's a moment that those fans will remember for the rest of their lives. Shit, I still remember seeing my first banner get raised to the rafters. That shit changes you. Getting their rings right in the Lakers' eyeball also just adds to the drama which I for one am in favor of. To follow that up with a little Steph vs KD action is a nice way to spend the late night hours. Then we turn the page to tomorrow night when there's a full slate of games and we're off and running. God, it feels so great to be back.

So allow me to wish you and your favorite team good luck this season. I wish you great health and everything you're hoping for this season comes true. We made it through the hard part of waiting months and months and months for this moment, and now we can just finally sit back and relax and enjoy some high quality basketball. LFG.

unless you're the Lakers. It's always fuck the Lakers in this house.

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