The No Fun Police In Utah Won't Allow A Stripper Skelton Halloween Display In Front Of Someone's House

FOX 13- Halloween decorations at a Grantsville home have the split the community the day after city officials demanded it be removed. Some are calling the display inappropriate, while others are donating their own decorations to the cause. Several people were seen driving by Thursday, looking at the decorations distastefully, as others are on board and leaving money in the tip jar.

Everything started a few days ago when Christopher Fujishin put up the skeleton pole dancer on the city sign. He says the only backlash he received was a neighbor who kept coming over to cut it down. "Maybe a little risqué for some people but it’s all in the name of fun," he said. But on Wednesday, the city posted the display to it’s Facebook page, telling its owner it had until 9 p.m. to remove it because it’s against city code.

While the skeletons were serving ones, others were serving their opinions in the Facebook comments section, writing things like "I guess teaching our children respect, decency, and manners has gone by the side."

"If your kids understand what that is maybe the problem’s not the skeleton dancing on the pole, maybe it’s something else," Fujishin responded.

I feel like what comes out of Utah is the opposite of what comes out of Florida. Florida is full of insanity, but it is fun. Fun fun if you ask me. What’s better than having to worry about a fucking alligator getting thrown into a Wendy’s drive-through? Places like Florida embraces chaos. Utah shuns chaos.

I get Catholic school flashbacks whenever I see a story like this. Not the stripper skeletons. We never had anything that funny at our school. But it’s just the wound ultra-tight, stick-up-your-ass shtick that I can’t stand. Is anybody really getting hurt by skeletons pretending to watch strippers on a pole? Is there any child that’s going to run home and tell their parents that they saw something?

I love how the whole town got in on this shit. It’s the number one sign that you live in the middle of nowhere. If this was a major metropolitan area, nobody would give a shit, but in a small town, it might as well be the biggest thing in the world.

This is a hot take, but I'm much more of a Halloween decorations guy than I am a Christmas decorations guy. There's more creativity. Any bozo can throw some lights on his roof and call it Christmas. What we're saying here in Utah, this is art. To take it down is to defame art. We're living in "1984."

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