The Bryce Harper 30 For 30 Is Gonna Be One Helluva Watch

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Yes, Yes, and YES. People sometimes forget Bryce Harper has been in the spotlight since Little League and was given "The Chosen One" SI cover treatment at age 16 a la LeBron James. Well, people not named Jordie. Jordie never forgot. 

But Jordie brings up two fair points: 1) Ripping your ACL and going thru that tedious rehab absolutely SUCKS and will turn the most positive person into a hateful, surly person, and B) There were a lot of people who saw that SI Issue and immediately, without reading about Bryce or knowing anything about him, went "Fook that guy". Also, those same people would die for the man 14 years later. Bryce Harper has proved to almost everyone he's one of the greats. And if he wins it all this year, those .0001% amount of people who say he's not will just ousted as not intelligent enough for society and should be banished to Citi Field for life. 

Regardless of his past, there's no denying Bryce's impact on and off the game is most likely 30 For 30 worthy already. Need a ring or 8 to make the doc complete, obviously, but we've got a worthy start right now. Contributing to postseason happiness in the most epic ways possible helps: 

(Unrelated: Blue Moon Odom simply the coolest name one can possibly have) 

Red October Bryce is on fire as are The Fightins. Hop on that hotter than hell bandwagon before it turns into Bloody November. It's what Bryce would want. 

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