A Public Address Announcer Nearly Got Penalized For The First Time In College Football History During The Colorado-Stanford Game

Man, what a fucking buzz kill this ref is. This is one of those things that is awkward. By the definition of rule, this official is correct. A public address announcer is not allowed to play music or talk as a team is getting set, but it just comes across like an overly strict dad trying to punish his kids for making too much noise downstairs. Let the kids have fun.

This is not the first time that I’ve seen something like this. Back when I was at Central Michigan, I was at a game like this. It wasn’t a public address announcer, but it was the band. The official had to reprimand the marching band for playing music when the other team was getting set. 

Honestly, fuck it, let the PA announcers be as loud as they want. Let them play music. We talk about home-field advantage; make it matter. I can guarantee that Boulder, Colorado, has caught college football fever more than they ever have this year. Let’s turn things up to 11. OK, I’m probably taking things a bit too far, but I just love the charm that comes with something like this. College football is perfect because it’s so goddamn imperfect. You wouldn’t see something like this anywhere else.

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