Elon Musk Better Fix The 'X' App Bugs Soon Or Else Blockhead Smitty Might Actually Never Show Up For Work Again

[Editor’s Note: This is solely a Clickbate Smits production. All about the content, pageviews, and jokes!] 

BAM! Get 'em, Lord Portnoy! I don't care if Smitty said on Pick Central he wants to be in the office/on streams but has a "Virus" and has been going to the "Doctors" this week! As it's been said many times since the Milton days, Barstool Sports has ALWAYS had the policy you should be coming into the office when you're contagious! ESPECIALLY when you know you're going to be streaming in a 12x12 box shoulder to shoulder with a dozen other people! In fact, fuck HIPAA and force that Blockhead publicly release his medical info so we can roast him more! I'm sure he's faking! While we're at it, before this alleged "Virus", make him publicly release the reasons why he's not in the office every single day since August 8th! He for sure didn't/doesn't have anything personal going on where it's sometimes essential to be local, or at least within 3 hours from his house outside of Philly, on certain days at this time! Do it! FORCE HIM UNDER THREAT OF FIRING AND/OR DEATH! 

I mean, of course Smitty not in the office means Smitty is doing NOTHING! He hasn't been showing up to work for *checks official NO's* THREE straight days! Including yesterday on October 11th when his supposed favorite team Phillies were in a playoff game so he's obviously not working! Fake mid BUM!!!

What a cheesedick! Of COURSE even if that loser Smitty was a healthy loser he's so he'd NEVER go on Phillies streams in NY! He's too LAZY to stay for those and even if he did stay he wouldn't create any content! He's worthless LOSER who has provided nothing for Barstool Sports since 2011! 

Hope to see you when your "Virus" is done and you're in the office for the first time since the Obama administration, Smitty! 

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