The Bears Finally Weren't Embarrassing

346 days later and the Chicago Bears have finally won a football game.

...yes, that's right if you weren't really paying attention - we haven't won a game since Monday night versus New England last season.

We're not a good team and we may inevitably be rooting to lose (a lot) for a higher draft pick at some point, but man I gotta say today felt good to get that monkey off our back. We weren't going to go 0-17 so if you're gonna win a few you definitely want to win the primetime ones, right? Might be stupid logic, but we've just suffered so many crippling losses on a national stage that it really does make a difference to Bears fans. In my eyes it does at least.

Really does make the Denver loss suck even worse though. We'd have two in the bucket headed into Minnesota and this city woulda been feeling a tad optimistic in 10 days. Instead, we're just happy that for 10 days were not the biggest losers in the league. Depressingly sad state of affairs, I know, but that's unfortunately our reality.

Full breakdown of the game coming up on Barstool Chicago YouTube shortly:

Bear Down.

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