Things About The NYC Barstool Office Every Surviving Barstool Player Should Know

The Barstool Sports office in New York is not an exceptionally glamorous place. Other than 64 couches being dropped in the middle of the content floor in July, it's very much a utilitarian area. We don't have a fancy basketball court or the hundreds of podcast studios that the Chicago office will have when it opens in May of 2025. The things we have here are there to serve an purpose for the most part.

Most people coming to the Barstool offices next week for Surviving Barstool know this office very well. Some of these guys have spent more hours in this building than their own homes. This puts Kirk Minihane and Will Compton in an unfair spot. They've never called NYC HQ their primary office. I figured I'd help those guys out and showcase some parts of the office to be aware (or be careful) of. 

The Shower

This is where you will shower. It's in the private bathroom that is near the stairwell. I try to never go in here. It only has the one toilet and the room always faintly (or extremely) smells like shit. I don't know if it doesn't vent well or the people who do use this bathroom just have wildly stinky diarrhea but there it no reason the one stall bathroom should always smell the worst.

This room always creeps me out. I don't know why. Something about having a shower in a workplace bathroom that seems off to me. 

The Green Room

If you're not trying to make this your bedroom, I don't know what you're doing here. This is the green room where have guests go before they come on a show and is BY FAR the most ideal spot to sleep at night in the office. You'll have privacy and quiet at night because you can close the door. Also, those couches are more comfortable than the other dozens of couches we have on the content floor. I believe Tiko Texas had a post-World Series party in here with friends after the Astros won the World Series so it's a room with immense historical importance as well.

Mintzy Wall

A fun tradition that has enraptured the Barstool office has been paying homage to Ben Mintz and his wall. Every morning, you'll see any number of employees tapping one of the many Mintzy pictures for good luck or singing random Bone Thugs N' Harmony songs. Ben Mintz may have left the New York office but his spirit lives in all of us forever. 

Broken Urinal

This urinal in one of the 2nd floor bathrooms is always broken. President Kelly Keegs ran on a campaign of getting it fixed but like most politicians, those promises got forgotten the second she got elected. It's been broken for months. Some months it doesn't flush at all and the darkest urine you can imagine just piles up. Other months (like now), it just constantly runs. I'd like to think all this extra water has replaced the constant teardrops we'd have in the office when something didn't go Brandon Walker's way. 

Barstool Deck Area

It may not look like much but this might be the only fresh air you get all week. It's this weird little space that some people smoke or do "recreational" drugs in. I know people got yelled at last year for going out on the scaffolding so don't do that. There is also a weird back staircase in this area as well. It's somehow even dirtier than the space in this picture. 

You may look at this picture and be disgusted but when Wednesday rolls around and you haven't had a breath of fresh air, this will be your salvation.

Chunk Missing Out Of The Floor

You got to be careful of this huge chunk missing from the floor in the content area. The only person I've seen trip over this and fall down has been Grace but I'm surprised it doesn't take out more people. If people are going to be running around like last year, I worry that someone else may fall as well. 

The Temperature

It may say 73 but that's a lie. It always feels like it's 63 degrees in here. I'm a scrawny shit but it's not just me who thinks this place feels like a walk in freezer. Many/most employees have a hoodie at the ready in case they walk near an air conditioner vent which can cause instant hypothermia. If you're going to be staying here, pack hoodies, sweaters and maybe even a down jacket.

I'm hoping this helpful advice evens the playing field a little bit for Kirk and Will. I look forward to seeing you guys in that gross outside area or avoiding the weird chunk out of the floor next week. Welcome to New York!

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