Marshawn Lynch Is Once Again Telling A Bunch Of Stories From His Seahawks Days Confirming Russ Wilson Is The Weirdest Dude In Football

I know it's a longer video and people don't sit around and listen to anything for 9 minutes these days, but here's essentially what was said. Russ is easily the weirdest dude in football. Do you know how off the rails you gotta be in order to claim that title? That's Russ. It's not the first time Marshawn Lynch opened up about it either: 

This time Lynch goes even more on what really happened in Seattle. It wasn't just setting up calls through his business manager you had Pete Carroll tell the entire team not to talk to Russ. And if they did want to talk to Russ to go to Pete or his QB coach first. Uhh, what? This is a team who won the Super Bowl. This is a professional football team. We hear all the time about how close locker rooms are and yeah, of course, you're not going to be friends with all your co-workers. But to flat out refuse to talk to people when you're the starting quarterback is the weirdest move one can make. It doesn't even make sense. 

Then you get to the whole calling from a blocked number point. What's the point of that? You're prank calling someone in the 90s and hitting *67 these days anymore. Just call someone. Who cares if Marshawn has your number? Seems like a decent guy to exchange numbers with considering how beloved he is in Seattle and the fact he's your starting running back. That's just me though. 

I gotta know the entire story of Pete telling the team not to go direct to Russ. Is he that weak mentally that you need protection from your coaches? There's too many personalities from that team for that entire story not to come out. Just let Marshawn get a little loose and go all in on it. That's what we all need to find out. Hell, we know Pete will say anything. Let him come out and explain the situation when it's all said and done. I know Russ stinks on the Broncos, but there was a time he was a damn good quarterback. I don't know if I'd go elite status, but he was in the debate for top-5. 

All I know is Russ is the weirdest dude in football. He's like a robot who isn't programmed correctly all the time. Whether he's doing high knees on the plane or calling from blocked numbers, it's one of the weird stories of this football era. Again, we're not talking like Jacoby Brisset here or some journeyman quarterback. We're talking a guy who won a Super Bowl. But facts are facts and Russ is certified weird dude. 

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