Chase Bank CEO, Jamie Dimon, Says That AI Will Allow Us To Work Only 3.5 Days Per Week, Cure Cancer, And Live To 100 Years-Old...Pass

Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JPMorgan Chase, acknowledged that AI would lead to the elimination of some jobs, but said the tradeoff is worth it.

“Your children are going to live to 100 and not have cancer because of technology,” Dimon told Bloomberg TV on Monday.

“And literally they’ll probably be working three-and-a-half days a week.”

Dimon, whose net worth is pegged by Forbes at $1.7 billion as of Monday, said AI is “critical to our company’s future success.”

I don't like the sound of this one bit. This is the type of thing that will completely fuck over the human race. We just saw the Hollywood Writers strike end last week which included provisions about AI. Well if we are only going to work 3 days a week then I am going to be forced to side with the robots against the human writers. I am going to need MORE shows if I am working less. I am bored out of my fucking mind at night these days. There hasn't been a show that has truly captured me in a long time and that is with the humans writing their dicks off. If their work week is also reduced to 3.5 days/week then they can't possibly produce enough content to keep me all fat and feeble. 3.5 days a week is enough time to get into trouble. There's nothing banks or robots can do to stop that. 

Our school system was designed to keep us busy and get us used to following orders. They wanted all of us to be good little boys and girls. Sit there quietly until a bell made us walk to a another room where we would sit quietly again for another hour. If you were one of those good little boys or girls you're probably slaving away in some cube right now. Still doing the same shit. There's that old adage that the C students end up hiring the A students because it's the C students who don't follow orders and end up making better managers. They say the same thing about the military academies. The cadets with demerits end up making better officers than the ones who never get in trouble. 

If you end up with a world where all the good boys have nothing to do to keep them occupied then they're going to break things for the sake of breaking things. There's only so much cake you can eat, vacations you can take, and tail you can chase. It's like being on permanent holiday schedules. That gets boring. Who wants to live to 100 if you have no reason to get out of bed? If my whole life is waking up, eating food, jerking off to VR porn, and then trying to fill out your day until you sleep again then send me to Mars to set up the new Elon Musk colony. Even if the rocket blows up on the way there at least I died doing something. 

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