Lil Wayne Is Dropping A New Album At Midnight “The Fix Before Tha VI”


I don’t care that his best days are behind him and I don‘t what anyone thinks. I will ALWAYS get excited when Lil Wayne drops new music. Rap may be a young man‘s game but Weezy is always capable of giving us some bars to jam out too whether it‘s 2003 or 2023. 20+ damn years in the rap game and he’s still relevant. Look around at all the young rappers with dreads and face tattoos, you wanna know why they look like that? Because they all looked up to Weezy growing up. The man is a trend setter.

Weezy is truly one of my heroes. When they ask one of those hypothetical questions “If you could have dinner with any three people who would they be?”, one of my answers to that question will always be Lil Wayne. The man is an absolute genius. His dominant run in the rap game was Shaq-esque. An undeniable force that maybe had a higher peak that anyone ever In rap. Unquestionably dominant in his prime. His run from 2005-2014 was historic. Everything he dropped was must listen. Every feature he was on was must listen. I remember hearing Weezy had a new feature and I would rush home after school or practice straight to the computer so I could listen to it on datPiff. Everything he touched turned to gold. His metaphors, his word play, his punchlines, it all was unmatched. lHe paved the way for Drake who has now teen the torch as the best artist in rap. Shout to my GOAT Lil Wayne. I’’ll be staying up until midnight just to get the first listen (and because i have sleep apnea but I promise I’d be up regardless). Thanks for all the memories and the amazing music Wayne. You’re the best. 

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