This Little Chap Is Outright Murdering The Lemonade Game To Help His Mom Battling Cancer

6ABC – So young Luke organized a fundraiser to help his mom get there. He passed out fliers and went door-to-door handing them out. He even created a homemade organic lemonade recipe, his mom wrote on her blog. He said he knew he wanted to do it as soon as he got the idea. “It just came to my head,” he said. “It’s just like, aw, lets do this.” The family planned two days, August 17 and August 22. The first day was a success, raising $3,903 and bringing out a crowd that included the local fire department, Campos wrote on Facebook. “My family and I are all blown away by the support we feel from so many kind hearted people around the world,” she wrote. “You can bet there is one tired but happy little boy that will sleep very well tonight after raising nearly $4,000 for his Momma.”

Editor’s note: Intern Brosh at it again with a post. #FuckCancer.

You have to love this kind of shit. This kid is seven years old trying to do everything little thing he can to help out his mom, who is battling cancer, and his family who is fighting the battle with her. The best part is it’s probably the shittiest tasting lemonade in the world, but I want to buy 15 gallons of because that’s how infectious this kid’s attitude is. Little Luke already raised almost 4 grand in one day. Flat out impressive even if you were selling something good like Cheesesteaks or Crab Fries, let alone the fact that he’s selling probably Walmart brand lemonade powder mixed with tap water. A pure Golden Shower in a dixie cup and it’s flying off the stand at a buck a pop. If what this kid has done for his mom doesn’t make you want to just at least call your mom today, then you’re a heartless son of a bitch. As always, check out their page to donate to Luke’s mom fight.

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