Anthony Richardson Leaves Game With a Concussion, Fails to Finish Second Game in a Row, Let Minshew Mania Commence

I really wanted to title this blog, "Anthony Richardson Leaves Game with Concussion for Second Week in a Row", because I feel like that's what happened. I actually tweeted that exact thing, but technically last week he left the game with a "knee injury". Here's the hit from Week 1 that took him out. You be the judge.

When I watched that in real time I was certain he was concussed, and the Colts were just saying it was a knee injury because that's what NFL teams do. But I'm very possibly wrong. Looking back at it, that hit doesn't look too nice on the knees either. Either way, not great to not be able to finish either of your first 2 career games in the NFL. His injury today was undeniably a concussion.

Not sick. Not sick at all. Unlike his play on the field, which actually was kind of sick. Aside from the double injuries, he's been fantastic. He's clearly been the best looking rookie QB in my mind. If only he had a Pro Bowl running back to take some of the load off of him.

Everyone in Indy seems thrilled with his play while healthy. People are even freaking out about his throws out of bounds. I wasn't especially impressed by that, but I guess being able to use both hands to get rid of the ball is a valuable skill. Not bad to have that in your bag of tricks.

But nope. No more cool opposite handed stuff like that. More likely than not, Richardson will be out for a couple of weeks. I could be wrong about that, but that's what I've seen speculated. Assuming that's the case, it's Gardner Minshew time. Break out the mustaches and long haired wigs and sun glasses and denim and head bands. Minshew Mania will be sweeping across the state of Indiana for the next week or so. I was worried about this scenario had Richardson stunk it up, and Minshew came in and won a couple games in a row, then the Colts would have had an annoying situation on our hands. But I no longer see that happening. Talent wise Anthony Richardson clearly belongs in the league. He's no doubt their best option. My guy just has got to learn to protect himself.

Great win for the Colts regardless. The Texans aren't anything special, but neither are the Colts. Although through 2 games, the Colts hung tough with the favorite to win the AFC South, and won fairly convincingly against another division opponent. That's about as good as you could have expected from them. If Minshew can somehow keep us around .500 until Richardson in healthy again, then who knows, maybe the Colts can make some noise this year.

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