Watch: A Bunch Of Idiot Florida Bros Tried To Rescue A Beached Great White By Dragging It Back Into The Ocean By Its Tail

My brothers in Christ, what are we doing here? Yes, it's sad and terrible and tough to watch and blah blah blah, but come on. This isn't a Labrador, it's a 2000 lb apex predator that took a wrong turn and ended up on the beach. Either call the fire department or pack up your noodles and go home. There is negative need to walk into the water and grab it by the tail. ESPECIALLY when that tail almost knocked you unconscious three seconds earlier. I mean look at how easily it threw the humans off of it...

Now you see them...

Now you don't…

The only person with any sense was the wife behind the camera. "Get out of there honey, it's too dangerous!" Extreme Southern Accent  "Quiet woman! I'm working here!"

Part of me wishes one of them got chomped just so it could serve as a warning to the thousand other idiots standing on the beach wishing they could get in on the action. Actually you know what? No. If someone is dumb enough to get in the water with that thing they deserve whatever comes their way. That's it for this one. Have a lovely Friday.  

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