This Mother Of Three Fired Up TikTok And Went On A CRUSADE Against Kids Birthday Parties

Saw this lady pop up on the Daily Mail this morning and I fucking LOVE the cut of her jib. Just calling out all these assholes inviting other adults to their kids' bday parties and pissing said assholes the ffffuuuuckkkkk off. 

I don't need to get into why kids suck, let alone kids' bday parties, but she gives us a great primer: 

I have to RSVP, ask you what stuff your kids like because you probably didn't include it in the invite, go figure out what I'm going to buy your kid, spend my money, wrap it and then take my kid to where you decided they need to be on that date and time, then you want me to volunteer two to four hours of my day - because it's not a paid position. If I'm looking at it like a working day and how much I make... 

Giphy Images.

I'll continue on for her: 

- One kid is puking and/or pissing and/or shitting themselves
- One kid will be violent. You think that whiffle bat is a nice little kids game? Wait until an over-caffeinated 8 year old gets his hands on it 
- One kid will be the loser of the group, start crying, tattle on all the bullies to his mommy even though her kid just stinks, causing a scene amongst the parents
- One adult will get too drunk 
- Another adult will judge others for drinking at the party 
- The dog is getting out and you'll have to chase him around the block for 20 mins
- There's a ton of garbage and you have to clean the shit out of the house 

And so on and so forth. I know going to kids bday parties is just "something adults do", but fuck that. This lady is a revolutionary and should some home making Karen with a gaggle of kids take her out, she'll be a martyr. She's putting her foot down and anyone with a brain should follow suit. 

My niece's 7th birthday is in 2 weeks and I have had the scaries for the entire summer just thinking about it. Now thanks to this woman, I won't have to attend. I'll just shoot my niece a nice fat $100 venmo with a nice memo attached. That should be the new expectation

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