FACT: Drinks Were Never Meant To Be Hot

On the last episode of THE BRACKET, we debated the Worst Daily Enemies alongside Rico, Marty, Trent and Klemmer. One of our options was "The person who orders an over-complicated coffee during rush hour". You know, the person that ties up your barista for 5 minutes when all you want is a black iced coffee or whatever. Something that stemmed from that is a debate between hot and cold drinks, started by none other than the walking skeleton himself, Chris Klemmer. 

Personally, I say FUCK hot drinks. Drinks are not meant to be hot! You know what happens when you get a hot coffee? You have to wait for it to cool down. Otherwise you are forced to dance around, taking wimpy sips bit by bit until it hits a palatable temperature. Hot Coco? Pass. Hot Toddies? Double Pass. The only argument for them on the show was the effect of them warming up your body on a cold day. Guess what, it actually makes you colder! 

(NPR) There are all sorts of receptors in all sorts of nerves, but the nerves in the tongue have a lot of one particular receptor that responds to heat. It's called the TRPV1 receptor, if anyone wants to know.

So when you eat or drink something hot, these receptors get that heat signal, and that tells the nerve to let the brain know what's going on.

When the brain gets the message "It's hot in here," it turns on the mechanism we have to cool ourselves off: sweating

So wear a jacket and suck on a cold iced coffee like a grown up. 

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