These Contractors Who Tracked Down A Thief And Got A Stolen Bike Back Deserve Every Five Star Review Possible

Getting work done on a house is a stressful process. Look no further than Dave dealing with the nightmare of his Miami house. Delays, shipping, plans, weather ... the list goes on and on. Whatever they say the timeframe is ... triple it ... if you are lucky. I've heard horror stories of how long things can take. It isn't just internet moguls who are victims of the delays. Regular people like my buddy Primo went nuclear on his contractors for the delays, and lies etc. It can be a nightmare. You need to find a good company, and you need to find good workers. Through all the referrals, or word of mouth can only mean so much. Stuff can go sideways on your house after 50 jobs of no issues. Sometimes it's just catching a bad break. 

Which brings us to whatever company these guys are, who deserve every 5 star review under the sun and I haven't seen a second of their work inside or outside the house. The fact they are willing to drop their work and go chasing after a thief shows they get it. Just all around good guys trying to stick up for the people of the neighborhood. I don't care how they work in the house ... they just earned every possible referral within that town. Everyone should hear that story and immediately find them work ... at the least give them 5 star reviews on every site you can find. 

Support the good ones. Shoutout to these guys for having their clients back and going to war for a good cause. All time contractors. 

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