Subway Has Created A Flying Restaurant In A Blimp For Some Unknown Reasons

CNBC- The brand’s latest move is dubbed “Subway in the Sky,” and is an 180-foot blimp that will carry diners into the air to try the chain’s sandwiches. The aircraft is designed to look like one of Subway’s new menu items, complete with assorted meats, cheese and veggies. “Here’s your chance to experience the heights Subway has reached since beginning our transformation journey in 2021,” Subway says in its promotional materials. The blimp can carry up to seven passengers at a time and will hover at an altitude of 1,000 feet. Flights will take place between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m., with each trip lasting approximately 30 minutes. Before boarding, passengers will receive a lunchbox with samples of the chain’s four new “Deli Hero” sandwiches to eat while airborne.

I've always been fully on record being VERY MUCH Team Subway (aside from Jared, obviously fuck that guy) since I was a young fella. If you couldn't tell I grew up very close to one and still love it to this day! The freshly made bread, their beyond underrated chocolate chip cookies, their hall-of-fame sauce in their chipotle southwest sauce, the cold cuts, and much more make for it to be one of my favorite places. I mean I was talking in the H Terminal of the Miami airport yesterday and IMMEDIATELY smelt that haunting aroma and it still hit even in one of the worst airports in America. Forget opening a can of tennis balls. Forget cinnamon rolls. Forget gasoline. Subway is my most haunting aroma. 

Now as much as I love it...Can I say I've ever been just DYING to try some Subway sandwiches 1,000 feet in the air in a blimp? No, I really can't say I have? I think being in a blimp I immediately think of Blimpie's which is a Subway mediocre rival and/or the Hindenburg disaster. I find neither of those things appetizing so Subway is kind of confusing me on this one but then again you can't bat 1.000 in your promotions right? Right? I hope whoever gets to enjoy their chicken teriyaki sub at 1,000 feet has the absolute time of their lives though.

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