Elizabeth Hurley Was Sick And Tired Of Dominating The Bikini Game, She Did The Next Logical Thing - Float Around Naked On A Watermelon

Just for old times sake, let me do one thing quick:


This is how you do it though. We talk about not giving up on summer. We talk all the time about how people basically declare summer over after July 4. I get it, we're about a month away from all the pools being closed. We're a month away from doing nothing but sitting on our couch likely moving to the hoodie/shorts look and watching football every single day. But for Elizabeth Hurley? Not so fast, my friend. Jerry declared her the champ of bikini season: 

One could argue no one loves a bikini and bathing suit more than Elizabeth Hurley. Go through her Instagram and it's basically her modeling different colors

Mind you she's 58 years old. 58! She's one year younger than Mike McCarthy, you don't see him floating around naked on a watermelon. This is more credit to Elizabeth Hurley, who has been doing this for ages and still kicking ass. You might think she'll lose a step at some point and next thing you know there's a pool and watermelon calling her name. It's one of the most consistent things we have in life. Elizabeth Hurley will always dominate summer time. 

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