Luis Robert Jr. Had An All-Time Pimp Job Last Night, Yet I Couldn't Get Excited About It

Last night Luis Robert had one of the 2024 season's great pimp jobs after hitting a go ahead dinger in a dub against the Cubs. And after he touched home plate, he told a bunch of Cubs fans to fuck off, making it all the sweeter: 

Sure, one team is in their "contention window" while simultaneously holding the 4th worst record in baseball and the other team is a young, fun and energetic squad deriving the most out of their lack of talent, but this was a fun moment nonetheless. 

Oh and this is one of the coolest angles of a bomb + pimp job I've ever seen. Awesome camera work, and of course Cusack was sitting first row. 

All of this is fucking awesome, but it's only awesome in a vacuum. It's awesome when there's a legit superstar on your team, but it's not awesome when your team is wasting a super star's talent. 

And yes, he's a super star.

AL Ranks:

- HRs 2nd 
- OPS 4th
- ISO 2nd
- wRC+ 7th
- fWAR 3rd
- dWAR 7th

But it's all on just a dumpster fire of a team

Giphy Images.

Growing up, I used to get GIDDY for Sox vs. Cubs. It would ruin my day when the Sox lost, and I'd be elated on days the Sox won. 

Now I just don't give a shit and it's because of how bad the Sox are and how little I trust them to right the ship: 

Giphy Images.

Serious question: How are we as Sox fans supposed to get excited about the organization AT ALL right now? The present is…the 4th worst record in baseball, and the future is ran by the same owner and regime that constructed this mess. 

Even when you have a dude like Luis Robert - a star that would be in the MVP race if not for being in the same league as an all time great player - or Colson Montgomery, a player on the cusp that Kyle McDaniel just rated the #2 prospect in baseball…

…it's hard to look ahead and think, "wow, I trust the direction of this org and winning is on the horizon" in spite of having one player who is a star and another who might be one. 

And that's why I'm personally not investing in the product at the moment. It's a boycott of sorts; I'm not going to a single game for the rest of the year unless I HAVE to for work. I will not be renewing my season tickets next year, either.

I'm not doing all of this to make some grandiose point to the organization, the fanbase, or to anyone else. I absolutely love Sox park. I love the relationships I've made there and miss being there 30x a summer. 

To me, the relationship between myself and the club is completely 1 way. I do all the work. Way too much emotional and financial investment has been put into the relationship with not near enough reciprocation. That doesn't work for me and though I won't speak for any other Sox fan, I will assume it's like that for others, and unless major changes occur this winter, I'll also guess more and more fans will start doing the same. 

I don't anticipate that happening because…

Giphy Images.

And once again - it kills me that I'm not sitting in 108 drinking entirely too much booze while making fun of MSS and Wally$ a few times a week. But enough is enough. 

I would like to make it clear that that is not a directive from me, your neighborly White Sox blogger, to act the same. Spend your money and time how you want. Go for the social aspect and ignore the product on the field. I just can't do that, personally. It's like enabling a drug addict. 


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