Is Taylor Swift Too Powerful??? Her Concert In Seattle Caused The Equivalent Of A 2.3 Magnitude Earthquake

After two nights of earth-shaking dancing at Swift’s Seattle “Eras” tour concert at Lumen Field, enthusiastic Swifties caused seismic activity equivalent of a 2.3 magnitude earthquake, according to seismologist Jackie Caplan-Auerbach.

The “Swift Quake” has been compared to the 2011 “Beast Quake,” when Seattle Seahawks fans erupted after an impressive touchdown by running back Marshawn “Beast Mode” Lynch. The ensuing celebration was detected on the same local seismometer as the Swift concert, Caplan-Auerbach told CNN.

Now, I know causing earthquakes in Seattle isn't ideal, but what did we expect? How many times do we have to say it? TAYLOR SWIFT GETS THE PEOPLE GOING. 

I know I'm biased and I harp on it, but Taylor is borderline too powerful. Her fans, myself included, absolutely lose their minds over anything and everything she does. To be fair, the Seattle show was INSANE, Taylor brought out HAIM to sing "No Body, No Crime," AND "This is Why We Can't Have Nice Things," which we all know is a giant "fuck you" to Kanye West and Kim Kardashian. We're talking about revenge and murder, people! Of course the whole crowd is going crazy! 

I'm jealous, I'm happy for them, and I can't wait to see her again. I have a feeling that 2.3 can, and will, be topped.

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