Hero Ball: Shout Out To This Congressman Who Went On An Eight (8) Hour Thirst Strike To Fight Back Against The Law

Tom Williams. Getty Images.

What's bravery to you? Is it firefighters putting their lives on the line as a fiery blaze threatens the local citizens? Maybe it's racing into the ocean to save a struggling child who is drowning from a rip tide? How about telling Frank the Tank to quiet down when he's ripping 5 Happy Birthday cameos in a row in the middle of the office? Well, whatever you've seen in your life, it doesn't top what Congressman Greg Caser took on today at the Capitol. 

Pushing the human body to its limits to fight the good fight in the name of construction workers. The word hero gets thrown around a lot, but going on an eight (8) hour thirst/hunger strike is unheard of. No food or water for 480 minutes. You may ask if that's simply just intermittent fasting. If getting your usual eight hours of sleep puts you in the same category as Rep. Casar. Listen, that's not important here. Stop inserting yourself into the story, you aren't the main character. What he did today put anything the true story of the movie 127 hours to shame. 

The only thing that comes to mind that's equally as impressive is that one time Glenny stayed up for 16 hours that one day. 

Stuff of legends. 

Can't imagine the vindication today for all the people who voted Caser into office. 

P.S. The law that actually restricts construction workers from going on food/water breaks during long periods of work in the heat is so fucking stupid. Why can't we use common sense with this stuff? This dude doing an eight hours thirst strike is moronic and solves nothing, but those laws absolutely need to change. 

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