Girl With No Job Exposes Cuba Gooding Jr. For Being Arguably One Of The Biggest Creeps On The Planet


So here's the long and short of it...sixteen year old Claudia Oshry was in a club in Manhattan with her girlfriends when an (allegedly) intoxicated Cuba Gooding showed up. Some people noticed, others did not. Claudia was sitting on the edge of a railing and (allegedly) felt someone grab her bum. But it didn't stop there, that person (allegedly) inserted a finger in said bum and when Claudia turned around that person was so drunk they started laughing in her face. 

Now, I'm not here to debate whether or not this happened, but if you google "Cuba Gooding drunk" there have been similar incidents that have been reported. Regardless, Claudia was a dream guest and we covered everything from her upbringing to celeb gossip...

Make sure you check her out our episode with her on YouTube, Apple, and Spotify. That's it for this one thanks for reading. 

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