Netflix Drops Epic Trailer For 'Untold' Docuseries Starring Johnny Manziel, Jake Paul, And Urban Meyer's Florida Gators

The fact that "steroids in sports" is one of the four stories in this latest volume of Netflix's Untold saga and doesn't even make the headline tells you how incredible this is about to be. I've yet to see Quarterback but I think this is going to be appointment viewing as soon as it drops in a couple weeks.

Per — and per implication in the trailer I guess but i wanted to confirm, etc. — these episodes will roll out over the course of four weeks, beginning on August 1 with Jake Paul the Problem Child, followed by Johnny Football on the 8th, Hall of Shame on the 15th, and the Gators-centric Swamp Kings on the 22nd. On second thought, maybe I'll circle back to Paul (or not) once I park my ass on the couch for Johnny Football.

Had no idea how close this show was to release. Remember hearing about it a while back and being excited about Johnny Manziel's tale in particular. Johnny Football was literally the biggest college football star of all-time and dominated the SEC for two seasons while partying his ass off. Unfortunately, all that caught up to him and sabotaged his NFL career. What's he doing now, exactly? Don't know. Can't wait to find out in Untold

I love the teases in this trailer from JFF. "It was probably a $5 million bender" is one. "You think you've seen something now? You haven't seen shit yet" is my favorite. Reminder of how good Johnny was below.

Then of course we have Jake Paul, YouTube/Vine star turned boxer. He's actually a legit fighter with a respectable professional record of 6-1. I'm not one of those millions of people who follow what he does, so this should be a fun chance for those of us in that camp to learn more about Paul instead of exploring the Internet for information. Sounds exhausting.

While the steroids in sports storyline is interesting and features the likes of Olympian Marion Jones and all-time home run king Barry Bonds in the trailer, I'm far more interested to see what the hell is uncovered about the Florida Gators and Urban Meyer.

How fast did Urban green light this documentary once his less-than-a-season tenure with the Jaguars go up in flames? The timing is hilarious to me in that context. Don't tell me if the two events have nothing to do with each other. Don't ruin this for me. 

We also get a glimpse of the man/myth/legend Tim Tebow. From what Tebow reveals, this must be focused on the 2009 season where the Heisman-winning QB cried on the sidelines while Florida got smacked by Alabama 32-13 in the SEC title game to dash their national title hopes.

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