We Got Our First (Spoilery) Look At Hugh Jackman As Wolverine In Deadpool 3 And They Are A Nostalgic Nerd's Wet Dream

MediaPunch. Shutterstock Images.

I used a picture of these handsome lads as the thumbnail and lead to this blog for people that don't want any parts of Deadpool 3 spoiled for them. If you are one of those people, I would close the blog now then delete all your social media apps along with avoiding downloading any others that are designed to replace Twitter whenever Elon decides to finish off murdering the bird.

But for everyone else, here is our first glimpse at Wolverine in Deadpool 3…




Live look at the groin area of every X-Men fan from the 90s right now: 

Giphy Images.

Yup that was a cheap boner joke but I don't care. Despite that picture having the same amount of pixels as cameras did back when Wolverine actually wore that suit, seeing Logan in the yellow and blue just does something to me. That could be because Wolverine is my favorite comic book character in my favorite comic book series, I have grown tired of Marvel pushing out C-tier characters in their movies/shows, or I am just a big fat nerd.

:Thinks about it for a second:

Actually it's definitely all three. But again, I don't care because Deadpool 3 is going to fucking rule so hard as long as Mickey Mouse doesn't throw his censors at Ryan Reynolds. Matty Fitz just blogged how Jennifer Garner coming back as Elektra for this movie opens up the possibilities for it to be incredible even before you start dropping in X-Men rocking their throwback jerseys from a classic run for the series to go along with all the Deadpooly stuff that comes out of Ryan Reynolds' sick brain. 


Also for any Marvel fans that are watching Secret Invasion, and based on the numbers there aren't many of you, be sure to check out Robbie and I breaking down each episode on My Mom's Basement.

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