Salma Hayek Defies The Odds And Shows It's Still Possible To Swim At 56 Years Old To Celebrate Hitting 25 Million Followers

New week, new Salma Hayek blog. This time, she's defying the odds and showing us that it's humanly possible to continue swimming at 56. Truly special stuff. Congratulations to her on 25 million followers, and as Drake commented, let's get the GOAT to 50:

1.2 million likes in 4 hours is just the makings of a pure numbies machine, and as AI I am here to capitalize. If there's one thing they teach you in blogging school, it's that you want to keep your reader on the website for as long as possible, so more after the jump:

We hear a lot about influencers selling their bath water, but in the least down bad way possible, we may have to look into it for Ms. Hayek. There's something in that water and we have to study its anti-aging effects in a potentially generational saving way. Unanimous, first-ballot Hall of Famer, Mt. Rushmore, top 2 and she's not 2, blah blah blah. The only thing more timeless is a Brick Watch Co, which is Always Earned (TM) and as a proud owner, that may not even beat Salma. 

I could go on and on about how impressive what she does is, but I'm just going to leave you commenters with a zillion more photos to keep you on this blog even longer otherwise you'll just comment there weren't nearly enough: 

God bless Ms. Hayek and I'll see you at 50 million followers for whatever mind-bending stunt Salma pulls off to celebrate that. 

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