James Harrison Gave His Kid's Participation Trophies Back Because He Thinks Participation Trophies Are Ruining America





Here’s a take that may be unpopular to the hardos of the world but I’m going to say it anyway. James Harrison is a fucking asshole for this. First of all, let’s clear one thing up, I know everyone likes to romanticize their childhood and talk about how tough they had it growing up, how their parents never told them “good job” or “I love you”, and that they sure as shit didn’t get a participation trophy, but that’s all bullshit. I distinctly remember playing Tee-Ball as a child and every game ended in a tie. You know why? Because when you’re 5 or 6 years old winning doesn’t matter. People who complain about participation trophies ruining America are the fakest tough guys in the world. I would understand if you’re giving High School kids a participation trophy, or saying everyone needs equal playing time for 16 year olds but that’s not what is going on here. Do you know how old James Harrison’s sons are? 6 and 8 years old. When you’re 6 and 8 sports should be about learning the game, growing your skill set, and having fun, not winning at all costs and being “tough”. Six year olds have no clue what winning even means, they just want to have fun, play with their friends and maybe learn how to throw a baseball. Get the fuck out of here with this shit. Once kids hit puberty and they start separating in talent and athletic ability I’m all for making it about winning, but a 6 and 8 year old kid doesn’t need to be taught how to win, that is actually exactly when they need to learn how to exhibit good sportsmanship, something you hopefully take with you the rest of your life. People who miss those lessons early on because their father told them they need to win are the people that grow up to be maladjusted assholes that no one likes.  But forget that part right James? You were taught how to EARN things the right way and you turned out to be a great human being, #HarrisonFamilyValues.



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