TikTok "It Girl" Alix Earle Launches A Business Scholarship At The University Of Miami.. What Can't She Do?!

Unless you've been under a rock, by now you've certainly heard of the chosen one Alix Earle who has just exploded in popularity over this last year on the Internet. Whether it's getting stranded in Italy and Airbnb giving her a massive villa for the positive PR, going on zillion dollar all expenses paid trips to Dubai, or doing *checks notes* "get ready with mes", she's been absolutely everywhere. 

Listen, I used to be like you. I didn't understand why this girl who seemingly lives an insanely unrealistic life was this generation's it girl and is simped for by every human on social media. But I knew there had to be something there. She was created in a lab and put on the interweb in 2023 for us to sit and watch how quickly someone can go from attractive sorority girl to multi-millionaire and megastar in a mere semester and it is pure scenes. EVERY girl loves watching her talk about relatable shit like dealing with breakups, missing class, and the newest line of makeup. You won't find a college-aged girl on the planet who doesn't want to be her. And what girl doesn't get to go on trips like these:

Respect where respect is due for dominating the free market and creating millions all off pure relatability. We're at the part of the story where Alix has officially launched a business scholarship at the University of Miami, where she just finished her undergrad. Let's take a look at what exactly this "Alix Earle Scholarship" entails:

Seems like pretty standard stuff and I guess Alix is paying for it out of pocket so another tip of the hat there. Cynics may say that this is just simply a tax write-off, but I say it's just another move of pure genius. Search "Alix Earle" on Twitter and you won't find one negative comment, but instead her army of 2 million strong saying yes, that's our queen. Apparently she's dating ex Jets and current Dolphins WR Braxton Berrios, which comes after her relationship with old Yankees utility infielder Tyler Wade. Part of the reason for her surge in popularity was that Wade wouldn't post her which led to their breakup, and now he bounces around Oakland's AAA affiliate and some short A's stints, so who really won there. Just some more relatable stuff that is definitely obtainable for your typical college gal. 

The Alix Earle numbies train is going to keep moving and I will be front row. Go off queen.

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