Lighten the Fuck Up! A Young Cattle Rancher Paid $6,500 For A Bull...

Joshua Rondeau. Unsplash Images.

When his prize bull died unexpectedly, a young cattle rancher was forced to purchase another bull to service his cows. The new bull cost him $6,500…

On the bull's first day on the job, he just moped around and ate grass and had no interest in the cows. The young rancher was beginning to think he'd wasted his money on an impotent bull…

He called the local vet and came right over to check the bull. He said the bull was "very healthy but also very young," so he gave the rancher pills to feed him once a day…

After three days on the pill regimen, the bull began servicing the cows like the stud he was bred to be. He even broke through an electric fence and began servicing cows from the neighboring ranch. 

The other ranch owners were amazed and wondered what type of pill the vet had given the young rancher's bull that turned him into a breeding machine…

"I'm not really sure," the young rancher replied, "but I can tell you this, they taste a lot like peppermint…"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Vindog has been repurposing jokes since 1968! This is LTFU Joke #177

Just in case you missed the last one…

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