MVP: Christian Braun Randomly Showed Up To A Denver Bar With His Title Belt After The Parade, Proceeded To Get Absolutely Shitfaced

There will be no making fun of Christian Braun here. Absolutely not. He's a 22-year old kid, celebrating a NBA title in his rookie year. Who else would you expect to be this drunk at the bar after the parade? The parade where we saw him do this mind you: 

I always wondered how post-parade bar trips work out. You know these guys are already shit faced. Is it like when we were cheap and in college or 22 years old where the clock starts to hit 10pm, 11pm before you go out to the bar? Chug some beers listening to Thunderstruck as the cab pulls up? Outside of the whole money thing because Christian Braun already has more money than I ever will, it's gotta be like that. 

There's gotta be no bigger high than Parade Day for players. You work your ass off to win the title and you finally get the chance to celebrate. You gotta go all out. Jokic may be MVP, Michael Malone may have had the best parade, but Christian Braun was made for Parade Day. He's the only one I see video of him at a bar after. That's a dude who spent the last few years partying at a big school. 

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