Shannon Sharpe Had A Surprisingly Emotional Goodbye With Skip Bayless On 'Undisputed' During His Final Day

I say "surprisingly" here because you can't imagine that Shannon Sharpe wasn't beyond relieved to be finished debating Skip Bayless' weird ass at the end of a seven-some-odd-year run at the FS1 desk of Undisputed. At the same time, I get why Shannon dished out some serious gratitude to his alleged "worthy adversary" even though he totally owned the shit out of Skip when it came to anything Dallas Cowboys. And that's all that really matters.

Yep, when Stephen A. was no longer around Skippy's orbit to tell him the Cowboys are "an accident waiting to happen", it was Shannon who was dropping truth bombs on the inexplicably-overpaid cohost of his. 

OK now that I've gotten a little bit of Skip hate out of the way, at least you can credit him for recognizing Shannon's talent. Not that it was in question, because he did a damn fine job in the studio for CBS. That lasted several years before his gig at FS1, where from what little I've actually witnessed live because I can't stand Skip's yammering, he more than held his own.

Now that Shannon — sorry to Mr. Sharpe if he feels uncomfortable with this first-name basis should he stumble upon this, it just sounds better — is away from Fox Sports, apparently he's into...gardening...?

I KNOW RIGHT. You thought with the Insta embed I might've been going the smut angle. Nah. Shannon is plantin'. All these hashtags suggest maybe he's doing a reality TV situation of sorts, or he's building out that podcast he's taking away from Fox. Very cryptic stuff from our HOF guy Shay Shay here in any event. Mysterious. I'm intrigued.

Pretty sure Shannon could waltz over to the four-letter network and slay better than just about anyone not named Dan Orlovsky or Ryan Clark when it comes to NFL analysis from ex-players. All due respect to everyone else there, I'd love to see a three-time Super Bowl champion and one of the greatest tight ends to ever do it get out of the Skip Debate Bubble and lay shit down.

In any event, I know I said I wasn't taking a smut angle on this blog...but come on. Shannon Sharpe is 54 fucking years young. LOOK AT THIS MAN. Still looks like he's chiseled out of those marble sculptures reserved for Greek gods. He could 100% let himself go and still chooses to maintain a physique that suggests he could throw those shoulder pads on again, sign with a team, and contribute in some red-zone package. Guess we'll have to settle for him analyzing the game from afar, which as he proved beyond a shadow of a doubt at Undisputed and before then, he can most definitely do.

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