Week Of Retirement ... Pat Sajak Has Announced This Season Of Wheel Of Fortune Will Be His Last

Week of retirement. I have announced my retirement from The Dozen, and Pat Sajak decided to steal my moment and announce his retirement as well. I said forever that there are Jeopardy people and Wheel of Fortune people, and I'm very much a Jeopardy guy but you cannot argue that he is a legend in the game. 42 YEARS as a host of a game show is a wild long career. I can't imagine the show without him. It's one of those things, like him, love him or indifferent ... he was a staple. Absolute staple, and rightfully so. 

I guess it's fitting on the day Pardon My Take releases an episode of ways you know you are getting old, Pat Sajak retires. Which is 100% an indication of getting old. Now don't get me wrong Pat Sajak is old, but I feel old because I watched him my whole life. Now as a fully grown man, he is no longer a part of the show. I really feel old. It shows just how long he's been around. 

My final take would be this, end the show. I know Jeopardy has a new host, and it's all well and good and could 1000% run forever,  and maybe it's just me but it 100% doesn't have the same buzz. I need Trebek. Same with Wheel of Fortune. No Sajak .. no thanks. End the show, he's just as much a part of it as the damn wheel. A new guy wouldn't do it justice, I don't want to see someone new, I don't like change. 

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