A Horse Walks Into A Bar And The Bartender Says "Why The Long Face?". JK, The Horse Trashed The Entire Bar Because It's A Fucking Horse In A Bar

Consider this blog a free internet lesson out there for anybody looking to live out a classic joke. Shit can most certainly go wrong if you bring a horse into a bar. Sure there is a chance that some nice young fillies (of the human variety) come over and ask for a few selfies and maybe even your phone number for pulling such a stunt. But there is also a very real chance that the gigantic animal made of pure muscle may freak the fuck out being in a crowded, loud place full of people that it is not used to. 

Now I know what you are thinking. Someone wearing a cowboy hat should be able to harness the power of such a beast. At least that's what I thought as a lifelong Northerner. But this video tells me that wearing a cowboy hat does not make someone a cowboy. You likely have to go to cowboy school or play for an underachieving NFL team owned by Jerry Jones to earn that title. So let's all make a pact to not do this again or if we do, make sure that someone is ready to record a video that goes longer than 17 seconds of the carnage that unfolded when you bring a stallion into the local saloon (apologies if this isn't the proper use of stallion, I am still a novice at horse nomenclature).

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