As If Flying Wasn’t Already Enjoyable Enough, Airlines Are Supposedly Moving Forward With New “Double-Decker” Seat Models To Cram Even More People Aboard

CNN- Would you sit directly below another airplane passenger?

It might not sound particularly appealing on paper, but 23-year-old airplane seat designer Alejandro Núñez Vicente believes double-level seating is the future of economy flying.

You may have seen a photo of Núñez Vicente’s Chaise Longue Airplane Seat prototype floating around the internet. Following a CNN Travel exclusive last year, Núñez Vicente’s concept went viral – igniting furious debate and prompting a flurry of reactions from would-be passengers – some outraged, some bemused, some intrigued, some all of the above.

Hey Alejandro, what the fucks your problem man?

You’re 23 years old. You should be drinking yourself silly, possibly living in your parents basement, questioning what the fuck you’re going to do with your life. Not offering the airplane industry more ways to fuck us, their customers, and increase profit margins.

“To be honest, there’s no such thing as bad publicity,” Núñez Vicente tells CNN Travel today.Proving this sentiment, he’s back at the Aircraft Interiors Expo (AIX) in Hamburg, Germany – showcasing a new iteration of his controversial Chaise Longue.

“People can talk and they always hate innovation in some ways,” he says. “Most of the times when they show you something new, everyone hates it at first, they’re scared of change. But the more you show it, and the more you develop it, and the more they see it, the more they get used to it.”

No asshole. We don’t, “get used to it”. We’re forced to accept it. Huge difference. 

I fly a lot. I’ve resigned to the fact it’s a privilege, not a luxury. There’s a ton of shit you’re an asshole to complain about. The behavior of others is not one of them. And that’s where this packing humans into a metal tube live livestock issue immediately goes with me.

Look at this- 

Can you even imagine? It’s like this Alejandro guy has a pink eye fetish or something and designed a way to take as much flatulence to the face as possible. Sick fuck.

Also, did anybody else not know this fun fact?

I found this picture of me flying back in the 90s. This isn’t first class, not even close. It’s coach. But look at the fucking leg room!! 

Leg room for days!

How far are we going to continue to allow the airlines to push us? They’ve taken away everything from us. 

You’re lucky if your plane today actually has working internet and drink service. The excuses for why it’s out and why they can’t serve are out of control lately.

Everything’s an extra charge and fee. And now they wanna capitalize even more by stacking people on top of people. Don’t fool yourself into thinking this will save you money and make ticket prices go down either. Shit never works that way.

And the propaganda campaign to sell us on this isn’t fooling me

Get these smiley little petite sized kids out of these fucking pics and give me the cast of characters on a Chicago to Cleveland flight. Then let’s talk Alejandro. 

Until then, keep these ideas to yourself and in Europe. We’re taking a stand against it in America.

Giphy Images.

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