Lead From The Front: Italian Soccer Team President Protests A Penalty Call By Storming The Field On A Motorized Scooter

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This is how you do it. This is how you lead from the front. Anyone could throw a fit about a penalty call in Italian Serie C soccer, but it takes a special leader to come out with his cane and motorized scooter. All we hear about is soccer players flopping, complaining about calls, all that stuff. This man decided enough was enough and that scooter was finally worth it. Better than running around like a crazy person. This is a deliberate attack on the ref's call and that's something I will always support. You need to make a case, you do it this way. 

I'll be honest. He needs more juice on the scooter though. That thing is barely moving, get some better batteries in that bad boy and start storming around the field. The keeper is basically slowing down his walk to stay with him. If you're storming the pitch, it's gotta be fast. You gotta be flying around out there. Can't be slowly trying to make your point, this is Serie C we're talking about here. It's like a top-50 league in the world, if it's 75th or something, sure, go slow. 

This is what I love about European soccer though. Everyone involved has some crazy to them and we need more of it here in America. We get people complaining on social media, burner accounts and that fun stuff, but give me a President storming a field or court with a cane in hand. Lay down the law and lead from the front, especially when your club loses 1-0 in the match. 

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