A.I. Did It Again. This Time it Took Frank Sinatra And Had Him Sing Lil Jon’s “Get Low”

Artifical intelligence is a mother fucker. 

That comes as no surprise to anybody around these parts. It seems that once a week for the past month we've got something that come across our radars in terms of music it's created that would otherwise be impossible, that's been worth mentioning-

A few weeks ago it was Kurt Cobain covering Chris Cornell, Radiohead, and Foo Fighters...

last week it was Biggie doing Nas' "NY State of Mind"

Now comes this… Ol' Blue Eyes skating gracefully over Lil Jizzle's famed, "Get Low"- (fun fact- this song is in the Smithsonian… nbd. as Jon told Eddie and I on Barstool Backstage.)

Part of me thinks Frank is rolling over in his grave with this going viral and the "kids" today hearing this and thinking he's crunk. Part of me thinks his reciting these lyrics was basically how he talked behind closed doors with the boys when they were just passing around showgirls and whatnot. A "peek behind the curtain" if you will.

Either way, there's no way this A.I. music train is slowing down now that it's out of the station. Sting can voice his concerns all he wants 

and the music industry can "come together" all they want, and issue (hollow) blanket statements trying to strike fear in the nerds like they did last week

BBC.com - The recording industry has quickly mobilised against artificial intelligence, launching a group called the "Human Artistry Campaign", and warning that AI companies are violating copyright by training their software on commercially-released music.

Whether AI-written music can be copyrighted is still under debate. Under English copyright law, for example, works generated by AI, can theoretically be protected.

However, the US Copyright Office recently ruled that AI art, including music, can't be copyrighted as it is "not the product of human authorship".

But the nerds are gonna nerd. And music nerds are fucking geniuses, with really weird brains, so they're going to continue to figure out ways to come up with off-the-wall shit you'd never even consider that you hear and wish you never did, or head and wish was an actual thing. 

p.s. - Check out our episode of Backstage with Lil Jon 

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