Adam Schefter Is The Best Dude Ever


I am a pretty simple guy. I love my family, football, and basketball. That's really it. I don't follow current events or the news, so Adam Schefter is my main news source for things I care about. We discussed it on The Yak last February.



It wasn't til several months later where I attended the Bucs Monday Night Football game that espn was covering where I got to meet Schefty. I asked my buddy, Mike Greenberg who is the VP of Football Operations for the Bucs if he could introduce me. Schefty was busy working the phones, but took some time out of his work schedule to chat with me for a few minutes. To say I was star struck was an understatement. 

Big Cat decided it would be fun to have me along with them at the NFL Combine this year and we went right from the plane to a hotel conference room to set up to interview Schefty. I was pretty excited to meet him in a less formal setting. 



At that moment, my jaw was on the floor until I realized that Big Cat had set that entire thing up.                            

But what he really ended up doing was setting up a beautiful friendship. Schefty was really cool and even agreed to go out to dinner with me at a date to be named later. 

But last night Schefty proved he's the ultimate dude. I blogged earlier that I signed a new deal with Barstool and am indeed moving to Chicago. In the blog I doctored a fake Schefty tweet and giggled to myself the entire time. 



Obviously I know I'm not important enough for that type of status, but I choose to live in a world where it happens.

Then it actually did.



This guy continues to floor me. I was legitimately flummoxed. My phone was blowing up and I was driving my kids home. I had to pull over. It was in the mid-60s in New Jersey. A cool, breezy day and I was SWEATING. What a world. I called Big Cat to ask if he had set this up. He hadn't. It was all Schefty. What a guy. 



In the news breaking business, guys like Schefty need confirmation on a lot of scoops before they break them. I'm certainly no newsbreaker, but I can confirm Adam Schefter is a genuinely great dude.

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