If You Want To Witness Greatness, Watch This Angels Fan Put On A Cotton Candy Eating Clinic

When we're talking about food and beverage markups, I feel like most folks immediately turn their attention to alcohol. And for good reason. The average markup on beer at a bar is somewhere around 300%, and the average markup on liquor at a bar can go up to 400-500%. And that's at a typical bar. We're not even talking stadium prices. 

But you could make the argument that cotton candy is actually the biggest racket going in the culinary world. Think about how much it actually costs to make a stick of cotton candy. You figure that each one takes about, what, half a packet of sugar? Right now you can get a box of 1000 Domino sugar packets on Amazon for $21.49. That means that each sugar packet costs roughly 2 cents. You can get a 1000-count of those paper cones for $32.49. So even on the high end of things, each stick of cotton candy costs about 5 cents to make. Let's just say the standard cost for cotton candy at a ballpark is $3.50. 

THAT'S A 6900% MARKUP. It's insanity. It's preposterous. MLB ballparks are making profit hand over foot off of cotton candy. Which is crazy because often times cotton candy isn't even worth it. Sure, it's delicious. But it's typically so messy that you regret your decision halfway through eating it. 

Unless you're this legend at the Angels game last night. This man has spent years perfecting the craft of demolishing cotton candy. He's put in the reps. He's studied the greats. He's operating at such a high level, and now he has a cotton candy eating technique that puts anybody else to shame. The man is so revolutionary that they'll name that little twist at the end after him. 

There's just nothing I love seeing more than people doing exactly what they were put on this Earth to do. This man was born to figure out the perfect way to eat cotton candy to avoid it turning into a catastrophic mess, and he's doing it better than anybody else on the planet right now. 


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